Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blobbity Blah....

I recently stumbled upon an article that detailed the master plan of an unemployed woman who had been blogging about eating for a dollar a day. Very interesting to see the posts on her page. I'm following her now. I wish I could do that....probably wouldn't hurt me to eat a few more bean based meals like she is....  
Husband cooked dinner again last night. Steamed potatoes, asparagus, BBQ chicken and BBQ RABBIT! I just ate my chicken. I just can't bring myself to eat a rabbit...and so close to Easter....Poor Peter Cotton-tail. Daddy is home with the babies today, and that makes my day a little easier. No need to get up and throw clothes on them to run out the door. 
I've been spending some extra time everyday taking better care of myself. After two pregnancies and the realization that toddlers take up 99.9 percent of your energy, I've prioritized myself less and less. I find myself buying the cheapest hair products, and lathering with whatever bar soap is left in the shower. I've lost all interest in just making myself feel good these past few years, and devoted my every waking moment to making everyone around me more comfortable, and taken care of. Well, I don't know how long this will last, but the past few days of self-pampering has certainly put me in a better mood. Nothing feels better than getting out of the shower after using your FAVORITE shampoo, conditioner, new body wash, new face wash. Then climb in bed, apply your favorite lotion while endulging in whatever crime show I can find on TV, and flipping through my favorite magazine as I giggle at how rediculous Kirsty Alley looked on Letterman last night. All of that seems so trivial, but when you literally run around like a mad woman trying to get everything done, jump in for a 5 minute shower and hit the sheets still damp with wet hair and cut the lights out, this down time is invaluable. Time to turn my life back into my life, and something that I enjoy. Who cares if I didn't vacuum tonight, I can do that tomorrow. My family will enjoy me more if I'm smiling, right?

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